

after malaria and until the kapuas river i tried to record one or two small clips each day.. it was the hardest part of kalimantan, and my journey to date.. i had to compress the video to upload it so the quaility is a little off..


Firdaus Perwiro said...

Mike, see the title at the end of your clip "T** P****". I believe you are very close with the locals until learn the phrase...hahahaha...

Unknown said...

Wow Mike - so much has happened since u were in the land downunder. What an adventure u r having. 2 guys just left Melbourne - they r going 2 ride 4 2 yrs around 4 continents - presenting Awakening the Dreamer symposiums along the way. They will b up here in about a month. Their website is www.biketheearth.org.uk. Hoping 2 ride with them 4 a while. Let me know when u r near a phone so we can skype - my skype name is teegeetoo.
Happy pedaling

Swaggie said...

Hi Mike, Val and I have been following your progress, only too happy not to follow your trail!!. You wanted something character building (like two nights on a mountain near Kaikoura) you've sure built on that experience!! What will you do with it all(-:
We are two days from departure,US bound, think we've got the bears sorted and looking forward to meeting as many great people as you have (without any language problems - we hope). All the best from Don & Val, Picton,

Aunt Sue said...

Love the video! I think you should get one of those scooters I saw motoring by! As I said my bucket list is the Alps in Switzerland for some hiking before I get to old so if you find yourself thinking of heading that way let us know! I am sure it will be a few years before we get overseas. Hoping to go to Alaska in 2012~ Travel Safe..Love Aunt Sue

Naomi Schademan said...

Such a great vid... she's "camera shy" haha... i loved the groundbreaking moment in your life, classic.