
a week in surabaya...

i stayed with my friend husny and his family here in surabaya for a week.. they are such a nice family and husny's mom is an unbelievabl cook.. they treated me like family and made me feel so welcome.. together husny and i had many many great meals and got to play some pool too.. surabaya is the second biggest city in indonesia and my first really large se asia city..
soto madura in downtown surabaya

is there anything on earth better than the street food that is sold on every corner throughout indonesia?

husny's ibu (mother) made us this soup, its called 'soto banjar' (named for the city banjarmassin in central kalimantan) and it was so delicious and spicy.. it was one of those meals that just makes you happy to be alive..

'sate madura'

hanging out with husny and his niece nebila

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Food glorious food! (Oliver/Lionel Bart)
You are really lucky to be able to experience world food. We'll be dealing soon with Carolina vs Tennessee Barbeque but it's not quite the same.
Bon Gustatory Voyage!