
cock fighting video..

the other day in ubud i borrowed a sarong from my host and went to check out a local cock fight at a temple.. i was the only foreigner and was surprised that nobody said anything to me about filming.. its basically a bunch of local men who spend all day betting on fights between roosters.. there are sharp blades about 2 inches in length that are trussed to the bird's left foot.. they fight until one is dead and if one is badly injured and the other one isnt finishing him off, they put a basket over the 2 birds and the winner will kill the loser.. each fight lasts 1-2 minutes..

as for whether or not this is morally acceptable, i look at it like this:
to most of indonesia a woman wearing a bikini in public is highly immoral, but it is not their place to come tell americans what they can and can't wear. the same goes for me, it isnt my place, or any other westerners, to tell these people that their traditions are right or wrong. my respect for culture and tradition transcends any preconceived notions i might have to morality.. it is better to take in experiences like this without passing judgment on them.. definitely one of the craziest afternoons of my life..

anyway here it is, i edited out most of the more graphic stuff...


Andreas said...

Hey dude I love your blog, and your traveling concept, I found you thanks to the Worl Wide Walk, cause you met jean...traveling and discovering the world , tasting, seeing, feeling new things ...i what keep us alive , I guess

Anonymous said...

with such a provocative title as "cock fighting video" I half expected a xnxx.com link. Is this how they make free range chickens?